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Facts Behind the Corn Syrup

Facts Behind the Corn Syrup

In this world, where people who do not need sugar? Sugar is very important as a primary food source for our cells. Even most of us are very fond of sugar by eating sweet things as God has created this sweet food in the form of fruits as a source of sugar. But the excess of sugar consumption is capable of causing health problems one of which is Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and coronary heart disease (CHD).

Corn a natural source for fructose

Humans have been much to manipulate this sugar in various forms, one of which is corn syrup. For those of you who like snacking you'll want to take the time to read this short article.

Maybe some of you not familiar with corn syrup. Yeah right! Corn syrup is widely used by snack food manufacturers. It contains fructose corn syrup is believed to be safer than than sugar. In fact fructose derived from corn syrup in the colon can also be broken down into glucose, as well as in disease risk will increase DM and increased triglyceride fats that can contribute to the increase in CHD.
Beverage cans using corn syrup for sweetener

Corn syrup is not an alternative for you to reduce the consumption of sugar, preferably for those who have diabetes do not consume too many foods that are high in this corn syrup.

Snacks You also do not escape the use of corn syrup

It is time now to reduce your sugar intake, watch your food labels carefully whether it contains "corn syrup", as with corn syrup consumption means the same thing you consume sugar, start for you to live a healthy pattern by reducing high-sugar snacks, exercise, and if necessary you can consult to your favorite doctor to start the consumption of artificial sweeteners are safe for you.

1. http://www.sugar.org/consumers/sweet_by_nature.asp?id=277

2. http://www.starch.dk/isi/starch/glosary.htm

3. http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/biology/enztech/starch.html

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Know Your TMJ Disorders

Know Your TMJ Disorders

TMJ disorders include a variety of conditions that cause pain or disorder in the jaw joint (TMJ). TMJ is the joint located on either side of your skull and connecting the lower jaw (mandible) with the temporal bone of your skull.

Lower jaw has rounded ends (condyles) are linked to the temporal bone of the skull and will move out when you talk or chew food. The surface of condyle and the socket on the temporal bone covered with cartilage tissue (cartilage) and separated by a small disc that will reduce collisions and keep the movement remains smooth. The muscles around your jaw to keep this connection remains stable in his position.

Most cases can be resolved with the efforts of the patient himself or without surgery. But, some more severe cases require more severe action by a dentist or oral surgeon.

Signs and symptoms
The signs and symptoms of TMJ disorder are:
• Pain or disruption that was felt in the jaw
• Pain around ear
• Difficulty swallowing or discomfort when swallowing
• Pain around the face
• clicking sound or feeling of not smooth when chew or open your mouth.
• The jaw is locked, so that the mouth is opened or closed is difficult.
• Headache
• A bite that does not fit
• The teeth do not experience the same attachment because there is some teeth in contact prematurely (earlier than the other)
Some cases of TMJ traced through the trauma of having experienced the jaw, degeneration of the tissues around the jaw joint, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory.

Most cases of TMJ disorder, the cause is unclear. Some experts believe the response to stress and anxiety are the main things that contribute to the occurrence of TMJ disorders.

If you frequently little moving your jaw when stressed, feeling ill or concentrate, muscles of the TMJ will remain in a state of contraction. This makes the mouth muscles become involved disturbed.

Another habit that may also interfere with the condition of the jaw muscles are often chewed on a pen or chewing gum.

The position of the head, neck and shoulders are not good, for example, leaned forward while at the computer or reading while lying down, will put pressure on the ideal that is not muscular and skeletal body even though not realize is closely related to the jaw muscles and jaw joints.

Without surgery
Some cases of TMJ disorders will end with the usual care that may not even need a presence next to your dentist. Among them:

• Changing bad habits. Your dentist will only remind you to pay more attention to the habits of everyday. For example moving dental habits, brutish, or biting other objects. This habit should be replaced with good habits like letting your mouth muscles in rilex condition with upper and lower teeth are not too tight, the tongue touches the palate and are right behind your upper teeth.

• Reducing the jaw muscle fatigue. Your dentist will ask you not open your mouth too wide on various occasions. For example when the laughs are not excessive.

• Stretching and massage. Your dentist will provide training how to stretch or massage your jaw muscles. In addition also may be given instructions on how to position the head, neck and right shoulder in performing daily activities.

• Apply heat or cold. By compress both sides of your face either with hot or cold compresses will help relax the jaw muscles.

• anti-inflammatory drugs. To reduce inflammation (inflammation) and pain, your dentist may recommend aspirin or other non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, eg ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, etc.)
• Bite plate. If you experience TMJ abnormalities on chewing position, a bite plate (bite guide) will be given. Biteplate mounted on the maxillary teeth to conform with the mandible. By chewing the correct position of course would help reduce pressure on the structure of joints.

• The use night guard. This tool is useful to overcome the habit of bruxism at night.

• Cognitive therapy. If your TMJ disorder due to stress or anxiety, your dentist will recommend to see a psychiatrist to cope.

Advanced Care
If non-surgical treatments failed to reduce symptoms of TMJ disorder, your dentist will recommend the following treatment:

• Dental care. Your dentist will improve the bite by balancing the surface of your teeth. How can the replace the missing tooth or dates, repair patches or a crown.

• Drug corticosteroids. For pain and inflammation in the joints, corticosteroid drug will be injected into the joints.

• arthrocentesis. This procedure is done by injecting fluid into the joints to remove dirt or residual inflammation that interfere with the jaw.

• Surgery. If any treatment does not work, your dentist will refer you to a specialist dentist oral surgery.

Develop some of the following techniques to reduce TMJ disorders.
• Breathe deeply. Most adults breathe with his chest. Meanwhile, most children with diaphragmatic breathing. The diaphragm is a thin layer that separates the chest to your stomach. This breathing technique will help you be more relaxed.
• meditation
• Music, art therapy
• Yoga

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How hugs can make someone feel better

How hugs can make someone feel better?

Caress, touch and hug known to reduce stress and relieve pain. How hugs can make someone feel better?

Researchers show a loved one's hand can reduce pain and also stress or pressure. Researchers from the University of California revealed for women, touch or see his loved ones could be her own anesthetic. Even the photo of a loved one has been quite influential.

In this study, researchers involved 25 volunteers, mostly students and have a good relationship with his girlfriend at least 6 months.

The study shows women who are given little sense of burning would be reduced his discomfort with his girlfriend how to view photos. Anesthetic effects have been found if a person holding hands with her partner when there is stimulation rather painful burning sensation.

Also note the pain would be less so when the person holding hands or hugging a loved or trusted, compared with the other person's hand or the ball. This result also explains why a mother could give a good comfort to her son by giving hug or kiss

Some treatments include physical illness as one aid hug, because touch is happening can stimulate nerve endings that help reduce the pain that makes the patient feel better.

Therapeutic touch is recognized can help the healing process because it can lead to comfort and release the hormone oxytocin. The touch is used to help relieve pain, depression, anxiety and help premature babies to continue to grow and develop.

Hugging can give a positive emotion that makes people feel better because it has a calming effect and also reduce stress levels. This also applies if someone hugging her favorite animal.

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Chicken Eggs? Delicious

Chicken Eggs? Delicious! But ...?
Chicken eggs, anyone who does not like this natural food? Behind the eggs contained a lot of nutrients by the body good like protein in the form of albumin which can be used to neutralize toxins, vitamin B6 and B12, Selenium for antioxidants, as well as fat.

Who does not love eggs?
From all that most of the attention of authors is contained in the fat content in chicken egg is capable of saturated fat at 1.6 grams, and cholesterol is also contained in these eggs can reach 210 mg in which the body's need for cholesterol in a day is 200 mg.

With the high fat in an egg can be eaten every day will lead to high levels of "bad cholesterol" or LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) which would give the effect of increased risk of CHD (Coronary Heart Disease).
Cooking Omelette or fried eggs for breakfast in Indonesia, not enough to just use 1 egg, some people use 2-3 eggs, most use 2 eggs. If you are every day consume 2 eggs, then you've entered nutrients into your body fat for:

- Saturated fat 3.2 grams

- Cholesterol 420 mg

Examples of excessive consumption of eggs for breakfast in America

Eggs are good as a function of protein for children who are growing, but for you are an adult, it is clear that excessive consumption of eggs is not good. Love your body by limiting intake of fat into your body, especially the type of saturated fat!


1. http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/dairy-and-egg-products/117/2

2. http://nutrition.about.com/od/askyournutritionist/f/eggs_protein.htm

3. Evenepoel, P., Geypens, B., Luypaerts, A., Hiele, M., Ghoos, Y., & Rutgeerts, P. (1998). Digestibility of cooked and Raw Egg Protein in Humans as assessed by stable isotope Techniques. The Journal of Nutrition, 128 (10), 1716-1722

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A Cup of Tea / Coffee Lowers Risk of dementia 40%

A Cup of Tea / Coffee Lowers Risk of dementia 40%

Consumption of tea, coffee, and walnuts on a regular basis can be a powerful weapon ward off Alzheimer's. University of California research shows, a cup of tea or coffee every day can reduce the risk of dementia by 40 percent.
As quoted from page Daily Mail, researchers showed that people aged 65 years and over who have a habit of drinking tea, have a sharp memory of 37 percent more than those who do not have the habit of drinking tea every day.
While those who have the habit of drinking coffee at least five times a week had 20 percent better memories than those who rarely drink coffee, when entering the age of 65.
In addition to two popular drinks, the prevention of dementia can also be done with the consumption of walnuts. The findings are based on experiments on rats that a diet of nuts.
The rats that became the sample experiment was able to increase memory capacity drastically.

"Our results indicate that dietary supplements of almonds may have a beneficial effect in reducing risk, start delay or slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease," the conclusion of research published in the International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease, in Hawaii.
However, the consumption of food alone will not be effective without a healthy lifestyle. Studies Boston University School of Medicine, in Massachusetts, found that consumption of these foods combined with regular exercise and adequate intake of vitamin D will increase the memory capacity by 40 percent.
Professor Clive Ballard of the Alzheimer's Society said, "This is a powerful and influential studies provide strong support based on comprehensive evidence that exercise is one of the best ways to reduce the risk of dementia. As the old adage that what is good for the heart is good for health."

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Beware of Salt and Hypertension

Beware of Salt and Hypertension

What is Hypertension? Simply hypertension (HT) is defined as an increase in blood pressure (BP) indicated by the number of systolic (upper) and the diastolic number (bottom). Until now there has not been the most appropriate classification for hypertension and is often used today is the criteria of JNC VII where: TD TD considered normal if <120/80 mmHg, 120-139/80-89 mmHg prehypertension when TD, HT grade I when BP 140-159/90-99 mmHg, and HT grade II when BP> 160/100 mmHg.

Hypertension is divided into 2, namely:

1). Primary hypertension / essential where incidence rates include greater than or equal to 95% of patients with HT and the cause is not known with certainty until recently;

2). Secondary hypertension in which there was an increase of TD due to a person suffering from other diseases such as heart failure, kidney failure, damage to the body's hormonal system, and other causes.

Are Symptoms of Hypertension
Hypertension in general did not show specific symptoms, so often called the "silent killer". TD elevation is rarely the only sign of the HT primary, and sometimes can be found symptoms such as pounding / palpitations, ear buzzing / tinnitus, headache, epistaxis / nasal bleeding, headache and migraine.

Why Eat Low Salt
In a simple blood pressure resulting from cardiac output (amount of blood the heart pumped every minute or sekuncup volume multiplied by heart rate per minute) multiplied by the resistance of peripheral blood vessels.
Intake of salt (sodium) affects blood pressure through the factors mentioned above in the following manner:
1). Excess sodium will result in the release of digitalis-like factor in the arteries / arterioles, which will result in vasoconstriction / narrowing of blood vessels thus increasing peripheral vascular resistance.

2). In the brain and central nervous system, increased sodium will stimulate the sympathetic nerve activity that causes increased heart rate, increased cardiac contractility, and increased peripheral resistance in general.

3). Excess salt will cause retention of sodium thus increasing blood volume through which will lead to increased volume sekuncup.

Thus it is clear that increased volume sekuncup, increased heart rate and increased peripheral vascular resistance resulting from the consumption of salt / sodium is excessive will lead to increased blood pressure.

Supposedly How Many People Eat Salt Hypertension
World Health Organization (WHO) recommends to consume as much salt is less than or equal to 5 g / hr. This recommendation was based on feasibility rather than the maximum effect on blood pressure reduction. Research conducted by the American Heart Association, Feng J et al concluded that, reducing salt intake to <3gr (for comparison, one teaspoon contains approximately 2.4 grams of salt) to give a more beneficial effect of both hypertension and of complications such as stroke and heart disease coronary.
Some things can be done by the public in the selection of foods to avoid high salt levels are as follows:

1.Karbohidrat that should be consumed are rice, potatoes, cassava, wheat, tapioca, hunkwe, sugar, limit the use of carbohydrates that uses common salt or soda such as bread, biscuits and cakes.

2.Hindari animal protein liver, tongue, sardines, cheese, brains, meat, fish and eggs are preserved with salt and other ingredients such as bacon, ham, dried meat, salted fish, canned fish, corned and salted eggs.

The vegetable 3.Protein all nuts and the results processed or cooked without salt should be consumed.

4.Lemak that should be consumed were margarine and butter without salt.

5.Kurangi use of seasonings such as salt, baking powder, baking soda, MSG and salt-containing condiments such as soy sauce, shrimp paste, tomato sauce, paste and tauco.

6.Buah fresh, fresh vegetables, fruits and vegetables are preserved without salt should be consumed. Avoid consumption of canned vegetables, mustard sauce, pickles and pickle.

It should be noted by the public that reducing salt intake is only one way to reduce the increase in TD in patients with hypertension and to prevent the occurrence of essential hypertension, but it still is the influence of other factors that must be considered such as maintaining ideal body weight, avoid smoking, alcohol and caffeine, avoid stress, and exercising regularly.

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Some Tips Lowering Blood Pressure

Some Tips Lowering Blood Pressure

About 60% of patients with type 2 diabetes have hypertension. Patients with hypertension and diabetes at greater risk of experiencing cardiovascular and renal disease. You can reduce the risk by keeping blood pressure within normal range. Here are some ways you can do to lower blood tekenan:

Stop smoking

Smoking reduces the oxygen supply to the organs of the body, improve cholesterol levels and increase blood pressure. Therefore, quitting smoking is a major step in controlling blood pressure and diabetes.

Lose weight

Weight reduction associated with decreased blood pressure, you can lose weight by reducing fat and calorie intake and exercise regularly. High-fat diet will automatically increase food consumption and total energy and will decrease if your diet low in fat.

Sports do not have the effect of too large in weight loss. However, the exercise 35-40 minutes a day is good for improving insulin sensitivity, reduces blood glucose levels and maintain body weight in the long term.

Modification of diet


Include foods containing carbohydrates, especially from whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat milk in the diet of diabetics. The total number of carbohydrates from foods and snacks is more important than the source.


Just as the general population, diabetics are encouraged to choose a variety of foods that contain fiber such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables. These foods contain vitamins, minerals, fiber and other components that are good for health.

There is no evidence that diabetics require changing the protein intake of 15-20% of total daily energy, if normal kidney function. Because the proteins needed to build healthy body tissues, choose low-fat source of protein. Fish is a good choice, consume two to three times per week. Instead of cooking with fat, try to add flavor to food with wine, herbs and spices. You are vegetarians can get protein from eggs, soybeans, peas and other sources.


Limit your intake of saturated fat and cholesterol from the diet. Saturated fat intake should be less than 10 percent of total energy intake. Some individuals (eg people with bad LDL cholesterol levels of 100 mg / dl) will benefit by reducing saturated fat intake to below 7 percent of energy intake. Cholesterol intake should be less than 300 mg per day. Some individuals (eg people with bad LDL cholesterol levels of 100 mg / dl) will benefit by reducing the intake of cholesterol to below 200 mg per day.

Reduce salt:

Reducing salt intake helps reduce blood pressure. Try to reduce sodium intake to 2400 mg or salt up to 6000 mg per day.

Alcohol intake:

Researchers have revealed an association between high alcohol intake (three servings / day) with increased blood pressure. However, no differences in blood pressure between those who drank fewer than three servings of alcohol / day with those who did not drink.

Potassium and calcium intake:

Low-fat diet that includes fruits and vegetables (five to nine servings / day) and low-fat dairy products (two to four servings / day) are generally rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium and can be lowered blood pressure.

Water intake:

Try drinking at least two liters of water a day. This method helps remove excess sugar from the body and help the fibers of their duties in controlling blood sugar. In addition, this water also allows the kidneys and other organs (including skin) remained healthy.

Blood sugar:

Try to continuously monitor blood glucose levels at home. Test glucose levels can be done by using glucose monitoring devices are easy to carry. Record the daily routine and your glucose levels. This data will help you find the right pattern of diabetes management.


Diabetics should control blood pressure carefully. You can control both this disease with diet control.

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Benefits of Morning Walk

Benefits of Morning Walk

Each person must do some type of sport as a form of exercise everyday. The best sports for those aged over 35 is running. Walking in the morning is the best. Is it enough if we walk in the night? We can take a walk in the afternoon as well. But it does provide some specific benefits that we can get, like when we walk in the morning.

That is, when we walk or do sports, we'll burn some energy. This energy will be drawn from our own bodies. But when we walk in the morning, when our stomach is empty, the energy required will be taken from us and liver tissue. In short, the energy stored will be used. For example when someone walks regularly in the morning, the stored energy will be burned, and after lunch the excess fat can be stored longer. When people walk again the next day, the stored energy was going to burn again. Process to burn fat and keep the back so much and will effect both for the human body. Excess weight will be reduced and the stomach will also be flat. But when we walk in the evenings, when there is food in the stomach, the energy required will be taken from the stomach itself, such as when we fancy lunch then energy reserves are still available in the stomach, and no chance to burn stored energy (energy stored in the liver, and stomach tissue.)

In addition, there will be a pure oxygen in the atmosphere in the morning. There will be a calm and peaceful atmosphere. When we take a deep breath while walking or doing sports, there is every opportunity to spread pure oxygen through our bodies in large numbers. Walking in the morning to do after back, after cleaning the teeth and without drinking anything but water.

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Working While Pregnant? Why Not?

During pregnancy a mother gets a variety of new challenges, ranging from weight gain and increase in cardiac load that makes the mother takes a rest. Until the mental burden of the condition fetus that makes it easy to fall in stress conditions. That is why many mothers who think twice about working during pregnancy. The mothers became doubtful whether the work that could endanger their pregnancy and endanger their health.

Fortunately, not every opinion is true, work turned out to have a positive impact. Most of the work still to be done during your pregnancy, the following key points you should consider

a, benefits of working during pregnancy

- Maybe we do not have guessed, turned out to work during pregnancy actually have a positive impact lho. The first, of course, work to make money, which is important for your welfare as well as support costs will increase as you get a new family member. In addition, by working mothers will receive social support from colleagues. Social support can reduce your stress level in your pregnancies.

b. Talk to your doctor and obstetrician your company (or your midwife)

- Large companies, especially industrial types of companies must have a company doctor. This company doctor know your work environment and hazards that may exist in the vicinity of the working environment. For example the tobacco industry, textile industry, and other industries.

Obstetrician or midwife does not know your working environment exactly, but they know the condition of your pregnancy and its complications and dangers that accompany your pregnancy, such as hypertension or heart disease.

Consult your situation to them, and you'll get an idea of what you should do. Are you allowed to work? When to take leave? What specific things to watch out for
c. Involve your husband to reduce your work

- Well, ya inconsequential. "My husband did not work in the same company with me. How can he help? "The good news ladies, your husband can still help in homework whether it's washing dishes or caring for children before. Do not hesitate, it's time for a little spoiled, spoiled

d. Establish good cooperation with your colleagues

- No doubt, some things need to be adjusted when you decide to work while pregnant. For example, you may be quite often late because of problems nausea and vomiting in the morning (morning sickness), advice from obstetricians to reduce your time standing may also hamper your job as a shopkeeper. No problem, negotiated this with the manager, boss, or your colleagues. Have a bit of "tolerance" for your work does not interfere with your pregnancy and pregnancy otherwise you will not disrupt your work

Hopefully helpful

Thank you

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Exercising at the age of 20 years to help keep you stay slim while middle-aged

Exercising at the age of 20 years to help keep you stay slim while middle-aged

If you want to fit in middle age, is the active in your 20s and still active in the 30s, and 40s, especially if you are a woman, according to new research shows. In that study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers followed approximately 3.500 people aged between 18-39 years for 2 decades. The women who maintain the lifestyle of moderate exercise to gain weight during the study about 6 pounds less weight, on average, than their counterparts of the least active, as obtained in the study.

This trend is similar among men, but smaller: The most active men reduced their weight about 3 kg compared with the least active men.

"Sports-specific exercise that we examine in this study include running, fast walking, bicycling, engaging in recreational sports, even housework done quickly and work," said lead researcher, Arlene Hankinson, MD, an instructor in the prevention disease at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago.

The key to maintaining a healthy weight, added Dr. Hankinson, is to "become active and stay active and to integrate activities into the style of your daily life in ways you can defend." Exercising regularly helps keep excess weight regardless of the initial weight of a person or the number of calories they consume in a day usually.

Although the invention is not surprising, most studies of exercise and weight loss will point to the influence of physical activity on weight loss, rather than on prevention of weight gain. In fact, the study authors note, there is little evidence to suggest that current government recommendations for physical activity - at least 30 minutes of exercise moderate, 5 days a week - enough to prevent weight gain, especially in the transition from adolescence to midlife period in which many people increased weight.

Dr. Hankinson and colleagues assess the level of physical activity using questions that measure both the duration and intensity of the 13 kinds of different sports (including work activities), so that the results of research can not be directly translated into a prescription weight loss simple. However, Dr. Hankinson said this research confirms that people who follow the guidelines recommended by the government will see benefits in long-term weight loss.

In relative terms, few people are able to maintain moderate to heavy exercise routines into middle age. Only about 12% of men and 11% of the women in this study are very active during the period of 20 years.

Weight difference between those who exercise that does not exercise regularly tend to be more pronounced in the older study participants, said Tim Church, MD, of Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, LA. "The difference between the 2 groups was only going to continue to get bigger when they were aged 55 and 65 and 75 years," said Dr. Church, who studies physical activity and health but was not involved in current research. "The increase in actual weight loss has not even started in this group, from the viewpoint of age."

Unlike most studies where people reported their weight - an approach known to be inaccurate - staff researcher in the study individually weigh the participants and interviewed them about their physical activity, press Dr. Church. "This is a phenomenal research," he said. "These data are obtained with the most restrictive way possible as you can."

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Hi, friend of all health. I'm back again to give you information about the world of health. And this time, I will share some of my experiences, especially in sports activities in the fitness. Yes, I've been doing gym for about 6 months and from there I have some experience you should know. At the start registering as a member at the gym, of course I have a strong desire to shape my body to better contain and proportionate and I'm sure that for you instead. And as a beginner, I also do exercises that were supposed to be done to achieve my goals. However, there are some things that I may forget or even me wrong in the run. Well, on my blog this time I will reveal some of the mistakes I did it for doing fitness and I'm sure you might as well do this. For that let us describe one by one these errors.

Mistake 1

It may be that some of us also do this, and I used to do this. Does not have a definite schedule of fitness is one of the mistakes if you really want to really get maximum results. Do cuman do the gym if you have time just because it will make yourself to put aside your workout. Make sure that the schedule would have you adjust to your time. Try to exercise every day with a rest interval of 1 day in 2 days as you do the gym every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, week and you rest the gym on Wednesday and Saturday. A fixed schedule can also help your body to adjust to your exercise pattern.

Mistake 2
Memorized BODY

Maybe there are some who think that the longer we do the exercises the faster we'll get results. Wrong! You do not have to spend long hours in the fitness to perform various exercises in one day. Remember, your body also has a fatigue limit. Average exercise carried out for 45 minutes-1 hour or you see the condition of your body. If you really feel tired, stop your workout. Go home and rest.

Mistake 3

It probably will happen: You throw up when training. Indeed, during the exercise we need a lot of energy but that does not mean we eat a lot before practice. Eat enough or try these tips, eating apples with a cup of esspresso (carbohydrate combination with caffeine can increase your energy-Men 's Health Indonesia in July 2010 -). If the food you eat a little weight, eat 1 hour before exercise. This helps your food to "go down" before you do the exercises. If your program I recommend to burn fat do not be too excessive consumption of foods that can cause fat deposits before the gym, you will be more difficult to burn your fat in your body.

Mistake 4

Once again, do not make your body more tired. Set a schedule for each of the muscles of the body to be trained. Monday Suppose you train your biceps, chest, and abdominal, Tuesday triceps, shoulder, abdominal. Never in a day you train all the muscles of the body because your entire body will experience fatigue. Home gym instead of more fresh instead maybe you'll faint.

Mistake 5

In effect, you will feel lazy to do the next set because if we are too old to do her a break between sets, your muscles will fixed and you will increasingly feel weak and may also feel drowsy and began to lazy to do the next set. Make a break for 45 seconds or 1 minute for each part.

Mistake 6

Remember, in shaping the most important muscle is contracting your muscles when you're going to exercise. Many I met at my place (especially beginners) do reps with very quickly. Do it slowly, lift weights and hold 1-2 seconds then release and remember to contracting muscles that you want to go.

Mistake 7

Well this is one of the most frequent and sometimes I still do it. After finishing the exercise, due in a hurry, we just headed locker and change clothes. 3 things most important thing in sports is warming up, playing exercise, cooling. Maybe we always remember to warm up but we often forget to do the cooling. This cooling may serve to prevent aches that usually occur after strenuous exercise because we are here we relax the muscles that have been trained.

Some of the above error we often encounter or even we may still do so. For that I share this information based on my personal experience and what I wrote above it is also the result of a "warning" from my trainer at the fitness. So, let's practice correctly!

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The Fifth Basic Taste

Umami: The Fifth Basic Taste

There is a sense that contains the composition of each such created sweetness of sucrose, glucose, and fructose, while the salty taste of sodium chloride; by the sour taste of citric acid, lactic acid and acetic acid, and bitter alkaloid formed from components, naringin, caffeine and so forth.

Well, umami as a fifth basic taste the newest found compared to other flavors caused by glutamate, inosinat, and guanilat. The discovery of umami preceded by Kikunae Ikeda in 1908 through research by extracting glutamate. next to year 191, Shintaro Kodama found two nucleotides forming other umami taste is inosinat later in 1957 by Akira Kuninaka guanilat invention.

The delicate nature of umami (subtle) and can mix with others to make the existence of umami taste is not real than the other flavors.
Research on the umami still continues, in 1992, Mehaia et. al., find the free amino acid glutamate as the most commonly found in breast milk (breast milk). Where the amount of glutamate in the breast milk was higher than from cow's milk, goat milk, sheep milk, or camel milk.

On tomatoes that taste meaty flavor was glutamate is the dominant shaper of amino acid composition was mainly on ripe tomatoes. The study was also conducted on Parmesan cheese, is one of the world's most famous cheese. Cheese is rich in umami taste and based on research, glutamate amino acid profile was dominated in the cheese.

Source libraries:

Kumiko Ninomiya, Director of the Umami Information Center, at the Symposium on A Century of Umami, The Fifth Basic Taste, Jakarta, August 6, 2009.

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Natural Ingredients For Beauty Body Part 3

Natural Ingredients For Beauty Body Part 3

1. Camellia oil (camellia oil)
Materials commonly used for hair care women in japan, they use it to give luster to their hair. This oil is easily absorbed by the hair shaft and increase hair volume without burdensome.
2. Mint

Mint is commonly used to refresh tired legs because of fragrant and refreshing cold effect. Mint reduces inflammation and relaxes muscles. Menthol also contains soothing skin, increase blood flow, and be antibacterial.

3. Soybean

Shampoos that contain soy coat the hair follicle which makes flexible and not dry quickly. For skin, soy is often used to brighten the skin and flatten the skin color.

4. Sesame oil (sesame oil)

Small molecules which makes it very easy to absorb skin. Rich in linoleic acid and fatty acids that nourish the skin. Use sesame oil to soften skin and hair, or rub on your nails dry and cracked.

5. Nut butter

Derived from the State of Brazil's tropical, nut butter is a skin softener is ideal because its texture is more viscous than the oil (like butter). Nut butter often diolesan after waxing process to restore the protective layer of skin is lifted.

6. Rice

Masks made from rice water (rice milk) has a sticky texture, able to absorb excess oil, remove dead skin cells and impurities that clog skin pores, and smooth the skin.

7. Shea butter
Derived from the nut tree karite in Africa, shea butter is rich in vitamins A, E and F are able to protect skin from free radicals, prevent wrinkles, and can soften damaged hair, dry and dull.

8. Seaweed

Rich in vitamins A, C, and K, minerals and fatty acids that moisturize and brighten the skin. It also contains antioxidants that can fight free radicals.

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