Sport and Physical Activity During Pregnancy
In general, if you do not have any problems in your pregnancy such as anemia, heart disease, premature rupture of membranes or Recurrent Miscarriage, exercise is good to be done. This exercise can make you more energized, reduce nausea in the first trimester, increase the quality of sleep, and even help smooth delivery.
But of course, there are some things you need to take during pregnancy, among other
1. Perform light exercise is
- When pregnant, you need to add weight to 20 kg, the amount of circulating blood volume also increased by 50%, your body also consumes 20% more oxygen. Of course this would further burden the function of your heart. Therefore, choose a sport that is not too heavy, like walking, yoga, swimming, gymnastics, gymnastics pregnant. Do not push yourself and rest when you are tired.
2. Avoid sports that are competitive
- Sports that are competition, where there is someone who is winning and there are losers like badminton, tennis, table tennis etc sometimes make you forget yourself and forcing your body of excessive activity. When you are pregnant, choose a sport that is non competitive.
3. Changes in the balance point
- On the second and third trimester in which the stomach began to swell, the balance point of your body changes, you too will become easier to fall. Remember this when you exercise like jogging or cycling.
4. Daily activities is also a sport
- You also can work through your daily activities. Daily activities such as house cleaning and gardening can be an alternative which is easier and safer to exercise.
5. Recognize the signs of fatigue
- Dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, blurred vision, abdominal cramps a sign you should get some rest and do not push yourself. Fatigue can be bad for you and your fetus.
Hopefully helpful
Thank you
Johnson, Robert. Mayo Clinic Complete Book Of Pregnancy & Baby's First Year. William Morrow and Company. 1994. New York
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