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Food for Preventing Osteoporosis

Food for Preventing Osteoporosis

The food you eat will determine your health. Having good eating habits necessary to support good health and prevent osteoporosis.
Here is a list of good eating habits that will help you maintain or improve your bone density.
* Reduce fat diet had * Eat more fiber foods * Eat more foods that contain calcium * Use less salt and sugar
Eat fewer fatty foods to prevent osteoporosis
The study found that if you have high cholesterol, you have fewer cells that build bone. Your bone development is an ongoing process of bone destruction and bone buildup. If you have more bone-solving activity rather than bone formation, you'll end up with low bone density.
High cholesterol comes from foods high in saturated fat. So here is where you can improve your bone regeneration by eliminating or reducing these saturated fat containing foods
Eat less meat and more lean meat. Turkeys have less saturated fat than chicken or beef.
Eat fewer foods using dairy products like milk and cheese. These products are high in saturated fat.
Eat more foods containing omega-3 oils (fish oil), omega-6 (olive oil) and omega-9 (found in avocados.) Do not cook with this oil because of damage at high temperatures create a high level of free radicals. Cooking with coconut oil. Oil is not damaged at high temperature. Coconut oil is high in saturated fat but it is short chain fatty acids, which is good for your health. However, butter has saturated fat containing long-chain fatty acids, which is bad for your health if excessive.
Eat more fiber to prevent osteoporosis
Lowering cholesterol levels; you can increase your bone density. Lowering cholesterol by eating more fiber. Most people do not eat enough fiber. Fiber is best to eat fruits and vegetables - oat bran, rice bran oranges, apples, figs, nuts, strawberries, etc. 
Eat more foods rich in calcium to prevent osteoporosis
Most people need at least 1000 mg of calcium every day. Some people need more. To get this amount of calcium you should take the supplement every day and eat foods rich in calcium - yogurt, figs, tofu, boiled vegetables, cheese, boiled spinach, broccoli, dark green vegetables.
Eat less salt to prevent osteoporosis
Eat less salt because salt and calcium compete to be absorbed in the small intestine. If you eat too much salt, calcium will not be absorbed and will be flushed into the intestine and out of your body. When the salt gets into your blood, it draws water. This causes your kidneys to flush out this excess water as urine. When you urinate more than usual, calcium and minerals needed to flush out your body.
That's it, some ideas that began to be used so that you can prevent osteoporosis. Eat less saturated fat, eating more fiber, eat less salt, take a good calcium supplement, and eat more foods rich in calcium.

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