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Habits that make you fat

Habits that make you fat
According to recent research; the average person makes 200 decisions a day that will affect their weight. And most of these decisions is not a monumental choice, such as "Should I become an athlete marathon runner?" or "Should I move to another city?" For those of you who are struggling to lose weight, you just have to decide to change the 7 habits of the most simple - small changes that have nothing to do with diet or exercise, but to lose weight, make you look great, and provide a huge improvement on your health.

Habits make fat no. 1: Putting a plate of dishes on the table.
Researchers at Cornell University found that if people take their own food from the kitchen counter or stove, they eat less food to 35% than if the meal is served at the dinner table. When there is distance between us with our food, the scientists theorize, we better think about whether we are really hungry to eat a lot.

Habits make fat no. 2: Sleeping too little (or too much).
Sleep schedule is important to any weight loss plan, said the researchers from Wake Forest University who examined the participants for 5 years. In the age group under 40 years, people who sleep 5 hours or less each night has increased nearly 2.5 times as much fat in the abdomen compared with the group who slept for 6-7 hours; also, those who sleep 8 hours or more increased fat stomach by almost 2 times compared with the group who slept for 6-7 hours. The people who sleep less tend to eat more (and use less energy) because they are tired, said deputy authors of this study, Kristen Hairston, MD., While those who slept longer than 8 hours a night tend to be less active.

Habits make fat no. 3: Not doing various tasks while watching television
We do not need to tell you that too much sitting in front of the television-related weight gain. But this that you might not realize: You can have your television and watch it as well. But do some other things at the same time. Washing the dishes burn 70 calories every 30 minutes. Likewise, the rubbing of clothes. Here are other things to keep in mind: Reduce time watching television, although a little help you burn calories, say the researchers from the University of Vermont. In their study, the overweight participants who reduced their viewing time by half (from an average of 5 hours to 2.5) to burn 119 extra calories a day. "Almost everything you do - even reading - using more energy than watching television," said study author Jennifer J. Otten, PhD.
Habits make fat no. 4: Drinking soda
Researchers say you can measure a person's risk of obesity by measuring the intake would drink soda. Compared with people who do not drink sweet soda, following what your daily intake:
- 1 / 2 cans = risk of overweight or obese increased by 26%
- 1 / 2 - 1 can = the risk is increased by 30.4%
- 1-2 cans = the risk is increased by 32.8%
- More than 2 cans = the risk is increased by 47.2%

This is a fairly well-known statistics. You just have to swallow 1-2 cans of soda every day to put yourself affected by obesity. Because of the high fructose corn syrup so cheap, the drinks makers continue to make larger size drinks. This means we have to drink a lot and we do not even realize it: In the 1950s, the average person drank 11 gallons of soda a year. In mid-2000's, we drink 46 gallons a year. A report from the Center for Science in the Public Interest contains this startling sentence: "carbonated soft drink is the only largest source of calories in our food."

Habits make fat no. 5: Biting large pieces
Dutch researchers recently found that a big bite and chew fast can lead to overeating. In that study, people who chew large pieces of food for 3 seconds to consume 52% more food before you feel full compared with those who chew small pieces of food for 9 seconds. The reason: Tasting of food for a longer period of time (no matter how much you bite) give signals in your brain to make you feel full sooner, say scientists.

Habits make fat no. 6: Not eating enough fat
You do not have to constantly consume a low-crab diet to get weight loss results. Simply change a few hundred calories of carbohydrates with less fat can help you lose weight and reduce your blood sugar levels, according to researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. The people in their study who consumed only 43% of calories from carbohydrates feel fuller after 4 hours and maintain their blood sugar levels longer than those who consumed 55% carbohydrate. Carbohydrates can cause blood sugar to rise rapidly and then decreases very quickly as well, causing hunger and overeating, the authors said researcher Barbara Gower, Ph.D. Conversely, fat, keeps you full longer. Some exchanges easy: select the butter instead of jam on toast, bacon than potatoes, low-fat milk instead of sports drinks.

Habits make fat no. 7: Not getting the best guidance.
Register on mailing list (or tweets) which contains advice on weight loss can help you reduce your weight, as disclosed in a new study. When the researchers from Canada post diet and exercise advice to more than 1000 adults who work every week, they found that recipients of that advice to increase their physical activity and eat more intelligently. People who do not accept that advice has not changed.

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