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Beware of Salt and Hypertension

Beware of Salt and Hypertension

What is Hypertension? Simply hypertension (HT) is defined as an increase in blood pressure (BP) indicated by the number of systolic (upper) and the diastolic number (bottom). Until now there has not been the most appropriate classification for hypertension and is often used today is the criteria of JNC VII where: TD TD considered normal if <120/80 mmHg, 120-139/80-89 mmHg prehypertension when TD, HT grade I when BP 140-159/90-99 mmHg, and HT grade II when BP> 160/100 mmHg.

Hypertension is divided into 2, namely:

1). Primary hypertension / essential where incidence rates include greater than or equal to 95% of patients with HT and the cause is not known with certainty until recently;

2). Secondary hypertension in which there was an increase of TD due to a person suffering from other diseases such as heart failure, kidney failure, damage to the body's hormonal system, and other causes.

Are Symptoms of Hypertension
Hypertension in general did not show specific symptoms, so often called the "silent killer". TD elevation is rarely the only sign of the HT primary, and sometimes can be found symptoms such as pounding / palpitations, ear buzzing / tinnitus, headache, epistaxis / nasal bleeding, headache and migraine.

Why Eat Low Salt
In a simple blood pressure resulting from cardiac output (amount of blood the heart pumped every minute or sekuncup volume multiplied by heart rate per minute) multiplied by the resistance of peripheral blood vessels.
Intake of salt (sodium) affects blood pressure through the factors mentioned above in the following manner:
1). Excess sodium will result in the release of digitalis-like factor in the arteries / arterioles, which will result in vasoconstriction / narrowing of blood vessels thus increasing peripheral vascular resistance.

2). In the brain and central nervous system, increased sodium will stimulate the sympathetic nerve activity that causes increased heart rate, increased cardiac contractility, and increased peripheral resistance in general.

3). Excess salt will cause retention of sodium thus increasing blood volume through which will lead to increased volume sekuncup.

Thus it is clear that increased volume sekuncup, increased heart rate and increased peripheral vascular resistance resulting from the consumption of salt / sodium is excessive will lead to increased blood pressure.

Supposedly How Many People Eat Salt Hypertension
World Health Organization (WHO) recommends to consume as much salt is less than or equal to 5 g / hr. This recommendation was based on feasibility rather than the maximum effect on blood pressure reduction. Research conducted by the American Heart Association, Feng J et al concluded that, reducing salt intake to <3gr (for comparison, one teaspoon contains approximately 2.4 grams of salt) to give a more beneficial effect of both hypertension and of complications such as stroke and heart disease coronary.
Some things can be done by the public in the selection of foods to avoid high salt levels are as follows:

1.Karbohidrat that should be consumed are rice, potatoes, cassava, wheat, tapioca, hunkwe, sugar, limit the use of carbohydrates that uses common salt or soda such as bread, biscuits and cakes.

2.Hindari animal protein liver, tongue, sardines, cheese, brains, meat, fish and eggs are preserved with salt and other ingredients such as bacon, ham, dried meat, salted fish, canned fish, corned and salted eggs.

The vegetable 3.Protein all nuts and the results processed or cooked without salt should be consumed.

4.Lemak that should be consumed were margarine and butter without salt.

5.Kurangi use of seasonings such as salt, baking powder, baking soda, MSG and salt-containing condiments such as soy sauce, shrimp paste, tomato sauce, paste and tauco.

6.Buah fresh, fresh vegetables, fruits and vegetables are preserved without salt should be consumed. Avoid consumption of canned vegetables, mustard sauce, pickles and pickle.

It should be noted by the public that reducing salt intake is only one way to reduce the increase in TD in patients with hypertension and to prevent the occurrence of essential hypertension, but it still is the influence of other factors that must be considered such as maintaining ideal body weight, avoid smoking, alcohol and caffeine, avoid stress, and exercising regularly.

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