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Working While Pregnant? Why Not?

During pregnancy a mother gets a variety of new challenges, ranging from weight gain and increase in cardiac load that makes the mother takes a rest. Until the mental burden of the condition fetus that makes it easy to fall in stress conditions. That is why many mothers who think twice about working during pregnancy. The mothers became doubtful whether the work that could endanger their pregnancy and endanger their health.

Fortunately, not every opinion is true, work turned out to have a positive impact. Most of the work still to be done during your pregnancy, the following key points you should consider

a, benefits of working during pregnancy

- Maybe we do not have guessed, turned out to work during pregnancy actually have a positive impact lho. The first, of course, work to make money, which is important for your welfare as well as support costs will increase as you get a new family member. In addition, by working mothers will receive social support from colleagues. Social support can reduce your stress level in your pregnancies.

b. Talk to your doctor and obstetrician your company (or your midwife)

- Large companies, especially industrial types of companies must have a company doctor. This company doctor know your work environment and hazards that may exist in the vicinity of the working environment. For example the tobacco industry, textile industry, and other industries.

Obstetrician or midwife does not know your working environment exactly, but they know the condition of your pregnancy and its complications and dangers that accompany your pregnancy, such as hypertension or heart disease.

Consult your situation to them, and you'll get an idea of what you should do. Are you allowed to work? When to take leave? What specific things to watch out for
c. Involve your husband to reduce your work

- Well, ya inconsequential. "My husband did not work in the same company with me. How can he help? "The good news ladies, your husband can still help in homework whether it's washing dishes or caring for children before. Do not hesitate, it's time for a little spoiled, spoiled

d. Establish good cooperation with your colleagues

- No doubt, some things need to be adjusted when you decide to work while pregnant. For example, you may be quite often late because of problems nausea and vomiting in the morning (morning sickness), advice from obstetricians to reduce your time standing may also hamper your job as a shopkeeper. No problem, negotiated this with the manager, boss, or your colleagues. Have a bit of "tolerance" for your work does not interfere with your pregnancy and pregnancy otherwise you will not disrupt your work

Hopefully helpful

Thank you

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