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Goat milk, cow's milk allergy sufferers alternative

So far, the Indonesian people not familiar with goat's milk. Goat milk produced after giving birth to female goats within 0-3 days of colostrums which contains many nutrients compared to cow's milk. Goat milk was usually consumed only minimally, or more because milk is thought to cure various kinds of diseases. The average goat milk consumed in the Middle East since 7000 BC. In fact, goat milk has the best protein after eggs and almost equal to milk. The best goat milk is milk that is fresh (raw goat milk).
Goat milk also contains Fluorine and higher protein than cow's milk. The content of fluorine in goat milk ranged 10-100 times greater than cow milk. Fluorine is useful as a natural antiseptic and can help suppress the breeding of bacteria in the body. Can help digestion and neutralize stomach acid, curing allergic reactions in the skin, respiratory and digestive tract.
This has proved an American nutrition expert, Dr. Bernard Jensen PhD. He examines the benefits of goat's milk which is one livestock animal in Escondido, New Mexico, United States. Bernard said the goat's milk from a lot of milk is recommended for infants, children, adults and materials manufacture food for babies who are allergic to cow's milk. Goat's milk is now quite popular, although more expensive when compared to cow's milk. A symptom of allergies to milk protein usually occurs in infants aged two to four weeks. This phenomenon is more obvious when the baby was six months old. Parts of the body are attacked by an allergic respiratory tract and skin. As many as 40% of people who are allergic to cow's milk has a good tolerance to milk goats.

In general the consumption of farm milk is recommended because of its potential as a source of protein and calcium that is essential for human health. Even as a source of calcium - with people eating pattern that is generally much less consumption of fresh vegetables - almost milk can not be replaced by other foodstuffs.Therefore, in general food and nutrition experts strongly recommend to drink milk every day. However, a food expert who is considering the influence of diet on health and the process of arising and heal various diseases, Norman W. Walker has shown that milk - except fresh goat's milk - is a food that is at most cause mucus in the human body. He also observed that the most suitable milk for human consumption (other than infants who have not separated from the mother's milk) is a fresh goat's milk. Declared also that heating above 48 ° C temperature would damage the physiological value of goat milk and can cause health problems due to stimulate the emergence of excessive mucus - a very controversial for nutritionists and food processing technology in general.
Treat asthma caused by allergy Cow Milk
Goat's milk also can treat asthma because of allergies to cow's milk. If someone is allergic to cow's milk, in fact he is allergic to sugar or protein in cow's milk or known as casein, whereas in goat milk betakasein. Goat milk contains only 4 to 4.1% sugar lactose so it is still tolerable for people who are lactose intolerant. Compare with lactose content of cow's milk in the range 4 -7%. So, people with asthma cured or abated after drinking goat's milk, it means he is allergic to the components found in cow's milk or dairy products from cows. If not stopped, it triggers asthma is not due to allergies to the components earlier. In addition to asthma, other health problems caused from consuming cow's milk is obesity, asthma, lung infections, colds allergies (example pollen allergy) and tuberkulosis6, although in general, nutritionists and doctors believe that cow's milk can be a source of various food ingredients kinds of antibodies to fight disease Another advantage of goat milk is more easily digested milk.

In fact, the results of other studies concluded, the group of children who were given goats milk has a heavier body weight compared with the group of children who were given cow's milk.
Dr. Rini Damayanti Moedji and Bernardius Q in the book of Revelation Wiryanta Efficacy and Benefits of Goat Milk, Milk Best of Ruminant Animals explained, some of the properties of goat milk for the human body. Among other things, goat's milk is a natural antiseptic and helps suppress the cultured bacteria in the body and is basic (alkaline foods) that is safe for the body. Goat milk can be consumed in liquid, powder and even tablets. In terms of stability of active substances (proteins, minerals, vitamins), goat milk tablet is more stable than the powder and liquid.

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